F. Liszt "Years of Travel": history, content, interesting facts

F. Liszt "Years of Travel" "Piano Paganini" - so contemporaries admired the distinguished Hungarian composer and pianist Franz Liszt. A virtuoso musician, who at that time was not equal, with his skill the performer conquered the listeners. However, Liszt-pianist is inextricably linked with Liszt-composer, who created many wonderful works for piano, which reflected his irresistible pathetic style of performance.

Chopin's Preludes: History, Video, Content, Interesting Facts

Preludes by Chopin Many of the composer’s predecessors and contemporaries wrote preludes, but all these works are difficult to compare with the works of F. Chopin. The preludes of the great Polish maestro are a completely new genre, which no one has ever heard of before. Each of his miniatures is a real romantic poem telling its own original story.

Etudes List: history, video, content, interesting facts, listen

Etudes Liszt Throughout his life, Frederick Liszt tried to bring his technical apparatus to the highest degree of perfection. However, this brilliant Hungarian pianist, plunging his contemporaries into shock with his virtuosity and the latest pianistic techniques, always stressed that he needed the technique not for glory - he considered it only a means by which one could perform a musical work in all its splendor, as he intended his artist.

Debussy Preludes: Story, Video, Content, Interesting Facts, Listen

Preludes Debussy For many years, the attention of researchers from different countries has been attracted by the work of the extraordinarily talented French composer Claude Debussy. He managed to give a new vision to almost every genre in which he managed to work. But his talent manifested itself most clearly in piano music, in particular in his cycle Preludes, which were the result of many years of work and very accurately reflect the composer’s individual style.

Chopin's etudes: history, video, content, interesting facts

Etudes of Chopin In the XIX century, many piano etudes were created. The heightened interest in this genre was quite natural - on the one hand, it was the era of virtuosos, demanding flawless fluent playing from the performers, on the other, amateur playing was widespread in Europe, for which manuals on mastering the instrument were simply necessary.

P.I. Tchaikovsky "Children's album": history, video, content, interesting facts, listen

P.I. Tchaikovsky "Children's Album" It is known that Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky loved children very well, he understood them well. This is evidenced by his famous phrase that flowers, music and children make up the best decoration of life. Not surprisingly, the children's theme literally permeates all of his work, and the playbook “Children's Album” was the first such work in Russia.

What is romance, romance history

What is romance, the history of romance In the art of music there is a chamber genre, which can rightly be considered unique - its name is “romance”. This vocal miniature from the moment of its appearance was very popular and reflected all significant processes occurring in the life of society. In our country, the romance has a very difficult fate - it was forbidden, but he again triumphantly returned to the concert scenes.

Romances of Alyabyev: history, content, interesting facts, nightingale

Alyabiev's Romances Did Alexander Alyabyev know that just one romance would bring him world-wide fame and immortality? This, of course, is about the famous “Nightingale”, which was so much loved by a wide audience that it even continued in the composition “Farewell to the Nightingale”. The number of transcriptions and author's readings of this famous romance is simply not to be considered; verses are dedicated to him, he is still listened to and praised all over the world.

P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons": history, video, listen, content

P.I. Tchaikovsky's "The Seasons" "The Seasons" is not just a cycle of bright characteristic plays that are familiar to almost everyone since childhood. This is a real personal diary of the composer, where he carefully wrote down all the memorable and expensive episodes for him, amazing pictures of nature. Here are closely intertwined urban paintings of life, rural life, endless spaces and feelings.

F. Chopin Nocturnes: history, interesting facts, processing, listen

F. Chopin Nocturne Frederic Chopin is called the poet and the soul of the piano. And it is not surprising, because he dedicated all his work, with the exception of several works for other instruments, voice and orchestra, to him. Nocturnes occupy a significant place in his legacy - dreamy, lyrical, turbulent, passionate, mournful and strict - they are all very loved in the music world.

Glinka's Romances: history, video, content, interesting facts

Romances Glinka Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka. This eminent composer is rightly called the pride of Russian classical music, since it was he who laid the foundations of Russian opera and symphonic music. However, there is another musical genre in which the maestro left a generous legacy to his descendants, many know him as the author of remarkable chamber-vocal works.