Solfeggio: friend or foe of the musician

Solfeggio: friend or foe of the musician

Music is a huge world that has its own rules and basics. Studying musical disciplines is quite interesting and fascinating if you know the right approach, and these are solfeggio. Unfortunately, many musicians without proper attention relate to this subject. Why this happens, what constitutes solfeggio and much more can be found in this article.

What is solfeggio

Solfeggio is a musical discipline. Translated from the Italian language is translated as "singing the notes." Solfeggio is studied throughout the entire course of study in musical educational institutions, from the music school to the conservatory.

The main feature is the saturation in the study. The following forms of work are usually used at lessons, aimed at developing musical abilities:

  1. Theoretical knowledge
  2. Mouthwashing (singing by notes)
  3. Development of hearing skills
  4. Writing musical dictations
  5. Creative tasks
  6. Metrhythmic work

Work form


Developed skills

Theoretical knowledge

The study of musical notation. The rules of the structure of intervals, chords, frets, musical forms, syntax, techniques of music development. material, genre features, harmonic functions. The study of basic musical terms. An analysis of the music. fragments.

The ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice.

Mouthwashing (singing by notes)

Reading from a sheet of musical examples in various keys is monophonic, duet or with the choir.

Mastering the skill of reading notes from a sheet and accurate intonation reproduction of the musical text of a monophonic or two-voice, improvement of vocal skills.

Development of hearing skills

Definition by ear of individual sounds, intervals, frets and tonalities, chords, triad. Analysis of a musical work by ear. Accompaniment selection by ear. Recording digital and harmonic revolutions.

The ability to hear and identify musical elements by ear. The development of internal hearing. The ability to distinguish the timbres of instruments and musical works of music. Ability to analyze the form by ear. Skill of fast selection of accompaniment or melodic line.

Writing musical dictations

Conducting oral and written dictations in various keys, monophonic and two-part, in size and tempo.

The development of musical memory and inner ear of the student.

Creative tasks

Selection of works with harmony, fundamentals of composition, improvisation, compositions and compositions in certain keys, genres, rhythmic figures.

The ability to compose music in a particular style, genre. The skill of improvisation. Fluency tool.

Metrhythmic work

The study of the practice of rhythmic figures, rhythmos, meter, size.

The formation of a rhythmic basis.

Thus, solfeggio contributes to the development of a wide musical potential of a creative person.

It is worth noting that there are two main kinds of solfeggio:

  • Classic
  • Jazz

Classical solfeggio includes basic terms, concepts and practical exercises. This is a musical basis. It is noteworthy that this type of ear training is largely based on the principles of the school of classicism and romanticism.

Jazz solfeggio deals with basic terms specific to jazz music. It is noteworthy that this kind of solfeggio is studied in music schools and conservatories, mainly in the departments of pop-jazz vocal. If we are talking about primary or secondary music education, then this discipline is applicable to jazz vocal studios.

Why do not many people like solfege?

Probably why many people do not like solfeggio is clear from the previous paragraph. You must agree that it is quite difficult to remember and understand such a voluminous material. At this point in time, the following main reasons for denial solfeggio can be identified:

  • Absence from nature absolute hearing. It is more difficult for a student to memorize sounds, it takes more time to process heights, as a result a complex can be developed against the background of other more successful students, and therefore not love for the subject.
  • Musical talent. Paradoxically, it didn’t sound, but children and adults, who by nature are endowed with musical abilities are often disappointed. So, they hear the exact pitch and can accurately determine the tonality, and if the sense of rhythm is not limping, then solfeggio loses all meaning for them. As practice shows, such people begin to miss classes, along with this the theoretical basis is lost, problems begin in the subject.
  • Failure in the subject. Difficulty solfeggio is that it takes time to develop a certain practical skill. Someone needs more time, someone less, while the stages of knowledge control has not been canceled. As a result, a person who tries to gain knowledge may receive a bad grade, which, accordingly, is not a stimulus.
  • Incompetent teacher. How many stories about how the subject was not loved because of the teacher who fought off all the desire to engage.
  • Strict parental control. Many parents strive to make Mozart out of their own children, they spend hours tormenting a child with activities, killing his independence. Of course, parental control is necessary, but music cannot turn into torture. Paganini's father locked his own child in a closet and deprived of food if Niccolò did not learn the tasks. Of course, the child has become famous, but what is the price? Making music is a great pleasure, the child must understand it himself.

Probably, these are the main reasons that make it difficult to truly penetrate the subject and realize all its importance and necessity.

Why do you need solfeggio? Item Benefit

Regardless of the time, the skills gained from classes will bring immense benefit to musicians from around the world. The development of the following skills can be attributed to the positive qualities of solfege:

  • Full freedom in the possession of the tool.
  • Strong theoretical base, perfect knowledge of the musical language.
  • Ability to analyze the work by notes and by ear.
  • Composing skills.
  • The ability to improvise in various genres, styles, etc.
  • The skill of picking a piece of music in a short time.
  • Reducing the time to memorize musical material.
  • The formation of a musical ear: absolute or relative.
  • Clear rhythmic basis.
  • Pure intonation.
  • Formation of melodic and harmonic hearing.
  • The ability to distinguish timbre paint instruments.

The benefit of this discipline should not be underestimated, because solfeggio forms the basic professional musical abilities. We emphasize that the subject gives exactly the professional base. Agree that in the world you can find a million talented people who sing well, can play an instrument, pick up songs, but they cannot be called professionals, since they do it intuitively. They do not know musical notation, terminology, never studied in a music school. Despite the presence of their talent, they are unlikely to be able to develop in the music industry or get an education without studying the school base.

But do not be sad before the time, regardless of age you can start studying solfeggio. The main thing is to conduct classes systematically and in the right order; in older adults, it is better to hire a tutor in solfeggio, if this is a child, then it is possible to restrict yourself to classes in a music school.

To learn solfege you need the following:

  • Piano or synthesizer or MIDI keyboard.
  • Notebook.
  • Pencil and eraser.
  • Tutorial.
  • Notebook to write terms.
  • The desire to comprehend this science.
  • Time and energy.

Solfeggio is such a subject that requires great dedication. Do not be alarmed if something goes wrong the first time, systematic exercises will do the trick. It must be remembered that what comes easy is also easily lost. If you have acquired the skill at the cost of effort, spent time, the results will please more.

So friend or foe?

So that who did not speak, ear training is the undisputed friend of the musician. It is only necessary to understand that the difficulties we invent ourselves. Just understand why you need this knowledge, what they will bring in the future. Believe me, your work in the study will not be in vain. Solfeggio is the basis of music, by grasping this discipline, you can become a real musician, so let's not miss this chance!

Watch the video: All 7 Chakras Healing Meditation Music (October 2024).

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