Megan Traynor: interesting facts, best songs, biography, listen

Megan Trainor

Megan Traynor - what epithets will be able to describe it adequately? Bright, extraordinary, bold, funny and insanely talented. She burst into the world of pop scenes like a hurricane, stirring the public and critics. One clip "All About That Bass" she earned the recognition of millions of fans and opposed themselves not less than haters. Someone considers her a woman who calls to love yourself the way you are. Others criticize her for being too harsh about standards of modern beauty. But no one remains indifferent, it is simply impossible to ignore such a person.

short biography

The birthplace of the future star was Nantucket. For those who are not very knowledgeable, Nantucket is an island. Geographically, he belongs to the state of Massachusetts. The main attraction of the island is that it is just tiny. Its length does not exceed 24 km.

Date of birth was December 22, 1993. Megan was born in a family of rather high affluence. Her parents, Harry and Kelly Traynor owned a small jewelry store, which brought a steady income. The shop is called "Jewel of the Isle", which can be translated as the pearl of the island.

Megan began to get involved in music in any of its manifestations at a very young age. Even at the age of six, her parents noted her love for songs, she constantly tried to try herself as a performer. Naturally, not professionally, but speaking at home meetings with friends, friendly gatherings of parents and so on.

Six years later, when Megan entered the beginning of adolescence, she expanded her interest. Versification was in the zone of her attention, she began to try herself as a songwriter. And, it is worth noting that for a 12-year-old, her texts were distinguished by high quality, brightly selected rhyme, unexpectedly subtle meaning with some allusions. What, of course, do not expect from a child.

In 2004, at a celebration in which her aunt and uncle married, Traynor tried herself for the first time in a semi-professional performance. To the accompaniment of the piano, Megan surprised everyone with the beautiful performance of the famous song "Heart and Soul".

As it was already specified, from the age of 12, the future star began to actively comprehend the music industry. We can say that at this moment she moves to professional "rails" under the guidance of her father. He, fortunately, just worked as a music teacher, so he helped his daughter's passion. In general, he helped her earlier. Even as a child, little Megan sang in the church choir, where her father occasionally played.

Megan's parents bought for her all the necessary equipment, music, recording, and the like. Created all the conditions so that their children could develop their hobbies to any height. By the way, the singer herself often notes in an interview that she is incredibly grateful to her parents for what they have done for her. It was they who created the new talent and the opening of the pop scene. Without their help, we would never have heard the beautiful songs of Megan Trainer.

From 12 to 15 years, Megan was a member of a small musical group of a parochial character, in which family members were also present. She wore the plain name "Island Fusion". In fact, these three years have become fundamental for the development of a future star. They taught her a professional approach to music, performances, songwriting. Perseverance and work, so necessary for creative people, Megan took root in this period.

After the small band was dissolved, it was time for a qualitative change. Traynor enters the College of Music in Berkeley. And in 2009 there is a performance on the American talent show, which focuses on the author's songs and their performers. By the way, Megan herself recalls this moment with ambivalent feelings. On the one hand, this is her first serious competition. On the other hand, she laughingly confesses that she was the fullest girl of all those present. And rivals looked at her, to say the least, skeptical. At that time, in principle, the girl was not attracted to the performances. She was aware of her completeness, she understood that she did not have enough appearance for the stage. And shy, what a sin to confess. Therefore, she focused her main attention on writing lyrics.

At the age of eighteen, Megan settles in Nashville and begins to work actively. But not as a performer, but as an author. She writes lyrics for both small groups and high-profile celebrities. Her record includes collaboration with Shay Mooney and Hunter Haze. And the theme of all these songs lay in the country sphere. And, as Traynor herself honestly said later, it was not her music at all. She did it because there was no decent alternative. In addition, at the same time, Megan completely releases the whole album "I'll Sing With You".

And only in 2014, Traynor begins to do what she really likes. She starts singing in her musical style. The start of this activity was an agreement with "Epic Records". And almost immediately released the most famous and sensational single, which brought her popularity. Of course, this is "All About That Bass". He conquered the first lines of the charts with a crazy speed, did not leave competitors a chance in the charts.

Her first album of a studio character is considered "Title", which was released in January 2015. It is noteworthy that his mini version was released a little earlier under the same name. To some extent, it was a preview of the full version.

Interesting Facts

  • Megan perfectly owns not only keyboards, but also drums. And also plays the trumpet and guitar. It's just that this aspect is not advertised too much;
  • After the release of her hit "All About That Bass", he showed just an extraordinary increase. In a short period of time the single headed the charts around the world. More specifically, 58 countries considered it the best of the best. This is the brightest and resounding success of the performer to this day. As already noted, it is not only a combination of music and text theses, the idea itself was shot extremely well. It relished a huge target audience, whose hands and brought it to the TOP industry;
  • At the very start, the single "All About That Bass" was not even allowed into the rotation. Most of the radio stations simply did not agree to miss it. Somewhere it was argued by the low perspectivity of the song, somewhere too radical urge, which is embedded in the text. In any case, only after 4 months the label was able to achieve the promotion of the composition. And the efforts were not in vain;
  • "All About That Bass" on Youtube has an enormous number of views. At the moment, more than two billion users have become familiar with this piece of music. And also, under it flaunts more than six million "likes";
  • The famous blogger and critic Chris DeVille said that Treynor has a charming voice, embedded in the notes of temperament, and somehow conveys a whole range of emotions and feelings. Despite the fact that the range of its voice capabilities is very narrow, if not to say, poor;
  • Traynor intends to use a South American accent in her stage performances. Thus, she imitates the "girl bands" from the distant 60s;
  • According to her own statement, Megan learned to dance thanks to the constant viewing of her idol’s clips, Beyonce;
  • Justin Bieber is an ardent admirer of Megan;
  • In addition to music at school age, Megan was fond of sports. She was a very good American football player on the women's college team. And, given its complexion, it is quite easy to believe in such information.

New ideas from the new singer

Megan Traynor to some extent promotes the love of his own body no matter what. With her vivid revelation, "All About That Bass", Traynor clearly stated that she loves herself the way she is, without the mind of a not too thin figure and spat on standards of beauty. With this promise, she won the love of a huge audience who can not keep within the modern model framework. In general, the move is pretty good, and Megan really inspires people. But many expose her position and this track in particular to criticism for the fact that instead of loving her body, more attention is paid to the charity for thinness. Like it or not, every viewer decides for himself. But be that as it may, the singer was really able to draw attention to the acute problem, and also to show herself an independent person who spat from a high bell tower on these your trends and standards.

Top Performer Songs

Megan Traynor has only one real hit - "All About That Bass". The rest of her work did not bring such a resounding success. However, it is worth paying attention to "I'm a lady", which was released in 2017, was one of the tracks in the cartoon "Smurfs: The Lost Village" and received a positive assessment of the audience and critics.

"All About That Bass" (listen)

Her other famous song is "Like I'm Gonna Lose You"in which John Legend took part.

"Like I'm Gonna Lose You" (listen)

Megan has quite a few duet compositions. This and "Better" together with yo gotti and "Marvin Gaye" along with Charlie Put.

"Marvin Gaye" (listen)


On December 24, Megan Traynor published a post on Instagram that she accepted a marriage proposal from her boyfriend, Daryl Sabara. He, it is worth noting, is the star of a very popular saga - Children of Spies.

The singer received the offer exactly on her birthday, December 22. Therefore, in the near future, Megan, who up to this point had not had a serious relationship at all, will finally become a happy wife.

Can Megan shoot again, conquering the charts and charts? Will she surprise her loyal fans or be a snack for critics in the future? Maybe family life will become an obstacle for her future career. We can only wait and hope that this bright singer and no less bright woman will once again draw the attention of the whole world to herself.

Watch the video: Meghan Trainor - Lips Are Movin Official Music Video (October 2024).

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